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Coco Koedooder

Hebrew University of Jerusalem – Freddy and Nadine Department of Earth Sciences, Jerusalem, IS

InterUniversity of Israel (IUI), Eilat, IS

Institute of Oceanography and Limnology Research (IOLR), Haifa, IS

I’m a marine microbiologist specialised in iron metabolism. I use molecular tools and techniques (e.g. metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, gene knockouts and bioreporters) to explore the physiological and adaptive response of marine bacteria to iron and am fascinated by the dynamic nature of their plasticity.

I am currently a post-doctoral researcher under Prof. Yeala Shaked studying Trichodesmium, a bloom-forming Cyanobacteria present in the Red Sea, in Eilat.  I focus on the interactions taking place between Trichodesmium and their associated bacteria using bioinformatics to try and understand how these microbes can work together as a community to obtain iron from dust.

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