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Newsletter #8

Dear BioGeoSCAPES Community,

We are excited to share a number of updates on BioGeoSCAPES activities, including:

Top News

Science plan writing is currently underway. 

ACCELNET BioGeoSCAPES to send instructors and supplies to Coastal Ocean Environment Summer School in Nigeria and Ghana (COESSING) this summer

Recently published article about the dawn of BioGeoSCAPES in special GEOTRACES issue of Oceanography (DOI)

Science Plan

An interdisciplinary team of almost 40 volunteer scientists, representing ten nations, has been collaboratively writing the three main research theme chapters of the BioGeoSCAPES Science Plan, outlined during the International Science Planning Workshop in November 2023. We are thankful for their dedication and time. We look forward to sharing the Science Plan  with the community later in 2024!

International BioGeoSCAPES Announcements

The International Implementation Committee (IIC) held its first meeting virtually on May 15, 2024. The IIC is comprised of 21 members representing 16 nations and will oversee the drafting and implementation of the science plan. In addition, the IIC will advise on how national and international teams can contribute to and be supported by the BioGeoSCAPES community.

Click here to explore the members of BioGeoSCAPES community, including the International Implementation Committee.

BioGeoSCAPES recently joined other US NSF AccelNet and EU-COST PIs at a conference in Brussels, Belgium, to address future science diplomacy collaborations.

Recent publications

Out in the June 2024 special GEOTRACES issue of Oceanography is a Perspective titled, “The dawn of the BioGeoSCAPES program: Ocean metabolism and nutrient cycles on a changing planet.”

Oceanography 37(2):162–166, DOI:


AccelNet BioGeoSCAPES is excited to support the Coastal Ocean Environment Summer School in Nigeria and Ghana (COESSING) by sending lab teaching supplies and two researchers to Lagos, Nigeria, to provide instruction on ‘omics and biogeochemistry laboratory and data processing techniques to 120 scientists. Visit to learn more.

The AccelNet BioGeoSCAPES Fellows program will announce a second cohort of Fellows in August 2024. The application period closed in June with over 80 applications. This program is designed to support early career researchers in forming international, cross-disciplinary collaborations that are relevant to BioGeoSCAPES. To learn more visit

Interested in learning to integrate models to address BioGeoSCAPES relevant questions? Webinars and workshops designed to engage modelers and experimentalists are in the planning phase. Keep an eye on the website for future updates!

Jobs & Postdocs

Looking for a postdoc or other position? Check out for an up-to-date list of opportunities! Want to advertise a position with us? Email with the details.

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