Upcoming Activities
BioGeoSCAPES Fellows Workshop | May 20-22, 2025
We are so excited to bring together our 2nd Cohort of Early Career Fellows for an in-person workshop to be held in Santa Monica, CA. This group of ECRs, representing many regions of the world and many aspects of BioGeoSCAPES-relevant research, is excited to meet in-person after months of virtual meetings. This group has exciting plans for networking tools and capacity development events. Check back often for updates!
Science Plan Coming Soon!
Thank you to the 60+ volunteer scientists representing 16 nations who have contributed to the Science Themes and Implementation section of the BioGeoSCAPES Science Plan! We look forward to sharing the completed Science Plan in Autumn 2025. Be sure to subscribe to our mailing list so you're the first to know when it's ready!
Spring 2025 Modeling Webinars
The BioGeoSCAPES modeling community is hard at work planning a series of modeling webinars in late spring 2025. Check back soon for registration details!
Recent Activities
BioGeoSCAPES International Implementation Workshop | February 11-13, 2025
The BioGeoSCAPES International Implementation Committee (IIC) gathered at Endicott House on the MIT campus recently for an International Implementation Workshop. This group of 22 researchers, including two early career Fellows, represents 14 nations. Together they worked to develop a framework and draft implementation strategy that builds on current strengths of the international BioGeoSCAPES-relevant research community and leverages opportunities for scientific advancement and capacity development in marine microbial and metabolic research alongside.
AccelNet Early Career Workshop and Annual Meeting | October 14-18, 2024
BioGeoSCAPES was represented at the AccelNet Annual Meeting held in October 2024 in Alexandria, Virginia. BioGeoSCAPES Fellow, Edgart Flores, was selected to participate in the AccelNet Early Career Professional Development Workshop hosted by AccelNet and co-facilitated by Marisa Rinkus at Toolbox Dialogue Initiative and Leslie Smith at Your Ocean Consulting, Inc. He then joined other BioGeoSCAPES personnel at the annual AccelNet meeting where they together attended panels and breakout sessions with PIs and coordinators from other AccelNet-funded projects. The team left with new networks and ideas in place to help BioGeoSCAPES continue to grow and expand.
UN General Assembly Science Summit | September 10-27, 2024
BioGeoSCAPES was invited to join other NSF AccelNet and EU COST Action projects for a discussion on data sharing and security in international projects at the 2024 United Nations General Assembly Science Summit held in New York, NY. The Science Summit unites thought leaders, scientists, technologists, innovators, policymakers, decision-makers, regulators, financiers, philanthropists, journalists and editors, and community leaders to increase collaborations across a broad spectrum of themes including health, agriculture, astronomy, the environment, climate, geodesy and space. Click here to learn more.
Second Fellows Cohort Announced | September 2024
BioGeoSCAPES is excited to welcome the second cohort of Fellows! This cohort includes 15 early career researchers from across the world working in experimental and modeling backgrounds in the areas of ocean metabolism, biogeochemical cycling, biological oceanography, chemical oceanography, and marine microbiology. Click here to learn more about our Fellows!
BioGeoSCAPES Fellows Workshop | August 12-14, 2024
The first cohort of BioGeoSCAPES Early Career Fellows convened for a workshop, "A Changing Epistemology for a Changing Ocean: Outlining Priorities for Interdisciplinary, Collaborative, Biological Oceanography and Biogeochemistry," hosted by Santa Fe Institute. A sincere thank you to our guest speakers, Dr. Philip Boyd, Dr. Andy Rees, Dr. Martin Visbek and Dr. Travis Holmes for joining as guest speakers. Click here to read more about the workshop and here to learn more about our Fellows program.
BioGeoSCAPES at COESSING | August 12 -16, 2024
BioGeoSCAPES was grateful for the opportunity to support the Coastal Ocean Environment Summer School in Nigeria and Ghana (COESSING) in Lagos, Nigeria. The summer school hosted sessions for 120 participants from United States, Germany, Japan, Greece, South Africa, Ghana, Canada, and Malaysia. Participants learned field and lab techniques from 30 volunteer instructors, including Dr. Katie Roche (AccelNet BioGeoSCAPES Fellow) and Dr. Mak Saito (AccelNet BioGeoSCAPES PI). Click here to learn more about COESSING.
NSF AccelNet - EU COST Action Joint Meeting | June 20, 2024
NSF AccelNet Program grantees, including BioGeoSCAPES, joined recipients of European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action grants in Brussels, Belgium. Participants discussed challenges and opportunities for international collaboration and signed a Memorandum of Understanding agreeing to continue coordinating collaboration opportunities among the participants in the future. Click here to read more.
BioGeoSCAPES PERSPECTIVE in Oceanography | May 2024
BioGeoSCAPES contributed to a Perspective in the Special GEOTRACES issue of Oceanography titled, "The Dawn of the BioGeoSCAPES Program: Ocean Metabolism and Nutrient Cycles on a Changing Planet." Click here to read the article.
AGU/ASLO OSM24 BioGeoSCAPES Town Hall | February 20, 2024
Almost 100 members of the scientific community joined us for a Town Hall on "The Dawn of an international BioGeoSCAPES Program," at the AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans, LA. The town hall included updates on the November 2023 international workshop where the Science Plan outline was drafted, as well as updates on education and outreach activities. The Town Hall ended with a short Q&A session followed by informal discussion, intended to foster community engagement and facilitate BioGeoSCAPES progress and plans.
International Science Planning Workshop | November 6-9, 2023
NSF AccelNet supported the BioGeoSCAPES international science planning workshop November 6-9, 2023, at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The event was attended by 72 in-person participants (pictured) and 90 virtual participants. During the workshop, a collaboratively written, detailed outline of the research themes and topics of the science plan was developed with input from all workshop participants (in person and online), as well as the national meeting reports submitted, before the workshop, by 19 countries. Another outcome of the workshop was a heeded call for participants to become champions of BioGeoSCAPES by volunteering to contribute to the science plan writing committee and/or other working groups.
First Fellows Cohort Announced | September 2023
BioGeoSCAPES is excited to announce the first cohort of Early Career Fellows! This group of 11 senior PhD or post-doc researchers from across the world is working in experimental and modeling backgrounds in the areas of ocean metabolism, biogeochemical cycling, biological oceanography, chemical oceanography, and marine microbiology. Click here to learn more about our Fellows!