International Science Planning Workshop
AccelNet BioGeoSCAPES supported the BioGeoSCAPES international science planning workshop November 6-9, 2023, at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The event was attended by 72 in-person participants and 90 virtual participants. The workshop objectives were to 1) Facilitate community building and collaboration across nations and disciplines, 2) Identify the scientific rationales for future international BioGeoSCAPES science activities, and 3) Outline the BioGeoSCAPES science plan. By the end of the workshop, a collaboratively written, detailed outline of the research themes and topics of the science plan was developed with input from all workshop participants (in person and online), as well as the national meeting reports submitted by 19 nations before the workshop. Another outcome of the workshop was a heeded call for participants to become champions of BioGeoSCAPES by volunteering to contribute to the science plan writing committee and/or other working groups.
National Workshop Reports
BioGeoSCAPES is supported by Ambassadors representing 27 nations. In preparation for the first BioGeoSCAPES international meeting in the Fall of 2023, we asked nations to organize BioGeoSCAPES national planning workshops to answer the following questions:
- Thoughts on preliminary BioGeoSCAPES Mission statement? How could this be improved? “To improve our understanding of the functioning and regulation of ocean metabolism and its interaction with nutrient cycling within the context of a hierarchical seascape perspective”.
- How would your nation best contribute to BioGeoSCAPES efforts? – e.g. fieldwork, laboratory work, modelling, intercalibration efforts, project coordination, data management, bioinformatics
- What science questions are most important to your nation within the broad scope of BioGeoSCAPES on a 10-year timeframe? Are there any impediments that the international community could seek to mitigate via training or collaboration?