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EGU General Assembly: Session 3.1: Understanding ocean ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles and their responses to climate change

Vienna, Austria Vienna

Join us in Vienna, Austria, April 17 and 18, 2024, for the EGU General Assembly, Ocean Sciences Session 3.1: Understanding ocean ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles and their responses to climate change. This session invites submissions, from both observations and modeling efforts, that address the impact of historical variability and climate change on net primary production, biogeochemical…

Apply now to be a BioGeoSCAPES Fellow!

We are excited to announce the launch of a second BioGeoSCAPES Fellows cohort funded by the NSF AccelNet award. This program brings together an international, interdisciplinary cohort of early career (postdocs and senior graduate students) researchers working in the areas of ocean metabolism, biogeochemical cycling, biological oceanography, chemical oceanography, and marine microbiology. We encourage applicants…

OSM24 Town Hall: Accelerating Toward an International BioGeoSCAPES Program

New Orleans Convention Center 900 Convention Center Blvd., Second Floor, Room 225-227, New Orleans

Join us at Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024! This town hall will report BioGeoSCAPES activities associated with: 1) An international workshop held in November 2023 to develop the BioGeoSCAPES science plan. 2)  Education and training activities, funded by a US NSF AccelNet award, including the launch of the first cohort of a BioGeoSCAPES fellows programme, webinars…

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