International BioGeoSCAPES science planning workshop – BioGeoSCAPES Skip to content
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International BioGeoSCAPES science planning workshop

Date: November 6, 2023 - November 9, 2023
Location: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution / Hybrid
Copy of Internatl Mtg Group Photo 2

The NSF-funded Accelnet Development of an International Network for the Study of Ocean Metabolism and Nutrient Cycles on a Changing Planet (BioGeoSCAPES) convened an international BioGeoSCAPES science planning workshop on 6-9 November 2023 at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (with hybrid option).

The objectives of this workshop were to:

1) Facilitate community building and collaboration across nations and disciplines

2) Identify the scientific rationales for future international BioGeoSCAPES science activities and outline the BioGeoSCAPES science plan

Find related national and other program reports on the RESOURCES page.


Location: Clark Lab 5th Floor, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Registration is closed.

In-person participation is capped at ~80 people with representation across nations, disciplines, etc., to ensure that we are able to have focused discussions that will inform the delivery of the workshop goals. There will also be a series of virtual brainstorming sessions spanning different time zones leading up to the workshop to enable even broader input ahead of the workshop.

Partial travel stipends will be available on an as-needed basis, and more details will be provided as the date draws closer.

Travel Resources

Funding for this workshop was provided by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Accelnet Program (OISE 2201571). Workshop coordination was provided by the Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry (OCB) Project Office. Hosting and local support was also provided by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).

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