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Earth’s life support system is underpinned by microbial biogeochemical cycles

BioGeoSCAPES is a new global research program the international community is working together to create to study this system






Check back later in 2024 for updates!

Twenty Years of GEOTRACES: An International Study of the Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes | Volume 37 | Number 2 | June 2024

Including a contribution from the BioGeoSCAPES community: "The dawn of the BioGeoSCAPES program: Ocean metabolism and nutrient cycles on a changing planet." 

On the Cover: Deployment of the "trace metal clean" rosette at 78°N from USCGC Healy as part of the 2015 US GEOTRACES GN01 cruise to the Arctic Ocean. Water from this cast yielded data for key biogeochemical parameters such as iron, aluminum, radium, metal isotopes, and major nutrients. Photo credit: Katlin Bowman Adamczyk, US Geological Survey



Want to be a champion of BioGeoSCAPES?

Over the next four years, the BioGeoSCAPES Accelnet will host virtual and in-person activities to prioritize and plan foundational components of a collaborative international BioGeoSCAPES initiative. These activities may include webinar series, topical workshops, and smaller group planning meetings.

We are seeking YOUR collaboration and leadership to help plan these activities.  Please click here if you wish to be involved in a particular aspect of the Accelnet.

Modeling & Data Integration

Standardization & Intercalibration

Informatics & Data Management

Education / Capacity Building & Professional Development



Upcoming Events

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Please send us a message to be involved in a particular aspect of the Accelnet.

Recent Activities

EGU General Assembly: Session 3.1: Understanding ocean ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles and their responses to climate change

Date: April 17 - April 18
Location: Vienna, Austria/

Join us in Vienna, Austria, April 17 and 18, 2024, for the EGU General Assembly, Ocean Sciences Session 3.1: Understanding ocean ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles and…

Apply now to be a BioGeoSCAPES Fellow!

Date: April 12 - June 15
Location: /

We are excited to announce the launch of a second BioGeoSCAPES Fellows cohort funded by the NSF AccelNet award. This program brings together an international,…

OSM24 Town Hall: Accelerating Toward an International BioGeoSCAPES Program

Date: February 20 @ 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: New Orleans Convention Center/Conferences

Join us at Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024! This town hall will report BioGeoSCAPES activities associated with: 1) An international workshop held in November 2023 to…

International BioGeoSCAPES science planning workshop

Date: November 6, 2023 - November 9, 2023
Location: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/Hybrid

The NSF-funded Accelnet Development of an International Network for the Study of Ocean Metabolism and Nutrient Cycles on a Changing Planet (BioGeoSCAPES) convened an international…

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