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Type: Workshop
OCB Ocean Nucleic Acids ‘omics Intercalibration and Standardization
An OCB Ocean Nucleic Acids ‘omics Intercalibration and Standardization Workshop occurred in January of 2020. The workshop report provides an overview of the current status of nucleic acid ‘omics approaches and proposes future activities towards community intercalibration and standardization efforts.
Type: Workshop
There were multiple Biogeoscapes Sessions and Posters at the 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting in the San Diego, CA (Feb 17-21, 2020)
There were multiple Biogeoscapes Sessions and Posters at the 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting in the San Diego, CA (Feb 17-21, 2020)
Type: Workshop
US National Biogeoscapes Workshop
A US National Biogeoscapes Workshop supported by OCB November 10-12, 2021
Type: Workshop
2nd Canada National Workshop
Location: Halifax2nd Canada National Workshop: May 1-2, Halifax, organized by and Erin Bertrand and Maite Maldonado